Events Calendar
Johnstown Memorial Day Parade
Visit Downtown Johnstown for this year's Memorial Day parade on Friday, May 24th. The parade begins at 6:30pm and runs from the area of the Johnstown Senior Center on East Main Street to the intersection of William Street and West Main Street. All inquiries for this parade should be directed to the city clerk's office or the Johnstown Fire Department. You can sign up to be in the parade by visiting the city website and filling out the parade participation form at the following link: The Downtown Johnstown Business & Professional Association does NOT organize this parade. We just support it! Please be sure to patronize your favorite downtown businesses and restaurants when you come down for the parade! See less
Men's Stag Day at Antlers Country Club
Join us for our Men's Stag Day golf tournament! Format: 2-Man Quota (Members may play with up to 3 guests) Entre Fee: $120 per team (Member/Member) $150 per team (Member/Guest) (If playing with more than 1 guest, only prize fee portion will apply to price) Entree Fee Includes: Golf w/ cart, Lunch, Prizes, Drink Ticket & Dinner *Optional Skins Game Available Please Sign-Up in the Pro Shop or call us at (518) 829-4007. See less
Shelter Dog Portrait Showcase
Check out the amazing shelter dog portraits created by Gloversville Middle School's 8th Grade art classes! ?? All pieces can be viewed ONLINE here ?? VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES! The top FOUR community choice picks will be featured on our 2025 thank you cards! ?? The show will be on display at the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts from May 22 - May 28. Check it out! ?? Awards will be presented to the contest winners at the Paul Nigra Center on Tuesday, May 28th 5:30-7:30. ?? THANK YOU to the amazingly talented students AND GMS art teachers, Samantha Catano and Crisan Anadio! ?? Interested in purchasing a piece? The students have generously offered to sell their work and donate the proceeds back to the shelter!! ?? Email to reserve! SOLD pieces will be marked online. ?? See less
Woodcock Search and Sneak Up at Landis Aboretum
The American Woodcock is a shorebird that has adapted to upland habitats. In the spring males return to open fields to sing and do an aerial flight display to attract females. Join us from 8:30 - 10:00 PM when we will search for and try to sneak up on singing males and learn about this once in the year behavior. Partial funding for this class provided through a grant from Stewart?s Shops Holiday Match Program. for more info and to register Instructor: George Steele, nature educator Location: The Nicholas J. Juried Meeting House at Landis Registration: Members: $5/person, $15/family; non-members: $15/person, $25/family See less