Woodcock Search and Sneak Up at Landis Aboretum

The American Woodcock is a shorebird that has adapted to upland habitats. In the spring males return to open fields to sing and do an aerial flight display to attract females. Join us from 8:30 - 10:00 PM when we will search for and try to sneak up on singing males and learn about this once in the year behavior. Partial funding for this class provided through a grant from Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program.
for more info and to register
Instructor: George Steele, nature educator
for more info and to register
Instructor: George Steele, nature educator
Location: The Nicholas J. Juried Meeting House at Landis
Registration: Members: $5/person, $15/family; non-members: $15/person, $25/family
Registration: Members: $5/person, $15/family; non-members: $15/person, $25/family
Woodcock Search and Sneak Up at Landi...
Date and Time
Friday May 24, 2024
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
174 Lape Rd
Esperance NY
Contact Information
Landis Aboretum
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