Events Calendar
Shelter Dog Portrait Showcase
Check out the amazing shelter dog portraits created by Gloversville Middle School's 8th Grade art classes! ?? All pieces can be viewed ONLINE here ?? VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES! The top FOUR community choice picks will be featured on our 2025 thank you cards! ?? The show will be on display at the Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts from May 22 - May 28. Check it out! ?? Awards will be presented to the contest winners at the Paul Nigra Center on Tuesday, May 28th 5:30-7:30. ?? THANK YOU to the amazingly talented students AND GMS art teachers, Samantha Catano and Crisan Anadio! ?? Interested in purchasing a piece? The students have generously offered to sell their work and donate the proceeds back to the shelter!! ?? Email to reserve! SOLD pieces will be marked online. ?? See less
Gloversville Memorial Day Parade
Please join us as we pay tribute to and commemorate those who have made the greatest sacrifice in service to our nation. The parade will commence at 9:30am, followed by a ceremony at Prospect Hill Cemetery. The parade route begins at the intersection of 8th Avenue and Main Street, turns east on 6th Avenue, continues south on Kingsboro Avenue, concluding at Prospect Hill Cemetery. To participate, please fill out the online application at Supporting Sponsors: Kingsboro Lumber Company Nathan Littauer Hospital Friends of Gloversville Recreation: Fage USA Dairy Industry Beau Monde Hair Studio Coldwell Banker Prime Properties Walmart Distribution #6096 Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts Hosted by the City of Gloversville Recreation Commission for the first time with the support and guidance of the former Gloversville Parade Committee.