Outdoor Yoga-Know & Nuture An Adventure in Self Exploration at Landis Aboretum

The Know & Nurture program is a series of 5 yoga workshops. Held once a month over the length of the growing season each is designed to create a framework through which you can experience who you are.
Register for each class individually; attend any or all. Classes are on the second Saturday of the month (May 11, June 8, July 13, August 10, and September 14), with rain dates on the fourth Saturday of the month. Class maximum is 20 participants; class will be canceled with fewer than 7 registrants.
https://landisarboretum.org/.../outdoor-yoga-at-landis-may-7 for more information and to register
Location: Meet in lower parking lot across from the Farmhouse
Registration: Members $20, nonmembers $30 per session; minimum class 7 participants. Pre-registration required.
Registration: Members $20, nonmembers $30 per session; minimum class 7 participants. Pre-registration required.
Outdoor Yoga-Know & Nuture An Adventu...
Date and Time
Saturday May 11, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
174 Lape Rd
Esperance NY
Members $20, nonmembers $30 per session; minimum class 7 participants. Pre-Registration is required
Contact Information
Landis Aboretum
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