Events Calendar
Canajoharie Library Pre K Story Time with Mary
Storytime promotes early literacy, and helps young learners become kindergarten ready by practicing sitting, listening, reading, sharing, following directions
Gloversville Public Library Events: Homeschool Lunch Hour
Homeschoolers are welcome to bring your lunch and come eat with us!!
Gloversville Public Library Events: Write On! Creative Writing Group
Join our open creative writing workshop! Try your hand at the monthly writing prompt, meet other local writers and bring your current project for feedback
Gloversville Public Library Events: Yoga Essentials
YOGA ESSENTIALS! REGISTRATION REQUIRED* Please register online through library website-space is limited! A beginner/basic/intro to yoga class for adults.
Paul Nigra Center for Creative Arts Presents: Pumpkin Cream Cheese Swirl Muffins
Oh man, you have not lived until you taste these muffins that are topped with a sweet cream cheese that melts into them as they bake.