WHAT: Drive-thru Chicken BBQ WHEN: Thursday, 4/25 from 2:00PM to 6:00PM (or until sold out) WHERE: Runnings store parking lot (233 5th Ave, Gloversville). A delicious BBQ meal provided by Sturgess Family Catering! $16 per meal includes: ? Half chicken ? Baked potato ? Coleslaw ? Dinner roll ? Dessert Cash only please. Payment due when picking up. Reservations not required but appreciated!! **Reservation link will be posted soon** ? Reserved dinners must be picked up by 5PM. Contact us at events@fcrspca.org if you have any questions! ? Sturgess BBQ has confirmed that their BBQ sauce is gluten free. Proceeds to benefit the dogs of Fulton County Regional SPCA. ? See less
Pizza Making | Andrew Dench Thursday, April 25 6:00-7:30PM Join Andrew Dench for this sensory culinary class... This is a hands-on class and a true culinary experience! Learn the easy way to make your own personalized pizza. *Members receive a 20% discount. Don't forget to enter the promotional code in the registration window.
Got talent? Want to sing some karaoke in a big room? Or, maybe, you just want to dance the night away? The Glove Theatre is launching a new monthly series that fits all these bills! Vaudeville Thursdays is a monthly performance open mic series which welcomes singers, dancers, slam poets, magicians, stand-up comedians, and variety artists of all kinds to take The Glove Theatre?s mainstage for a five minute maximum set. So polish up your repertoire, stretch, warm-up, and strut your stuff at The Glove! Open mic: 7.00pm - 8.30pm (sign-up begins at 6.30pm) Dancing: 8.30pm - 11.00pm $5.00 entry. Hosted by Stanley Bojarski Vaudeville Thursdays is rated PG-13: no children under 13 will be admitted. Children 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the show.Vaudeville Thursdays welcomes acts of all kinds, but you have to play the game by the rules! Acts should be no longer than 5 minutes No nudity No fire No hate speech No political endorsements. Any act breaking the above rules will be cut off early. The Glove Theatre reserves the right to end any act for violating these rules. Severe offenders will be banned from taking the stage again at any Vaudeville Thursday performance.
Printed courtesy of www.fultonmontgomeryny.org/ – Contact the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2 North Main Street, Gloversville, NY 12078 – (518) 725-0641 – info@fultonmontgomeryny.org